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“Customer Service Excellence” awarded to Fitness Concept by Federation of Asia Pacific Retailers Association (FAPRA)

“Customer Service Excellence” awarded to Fitness Concept by Federation of Asia Pacific Retailers Association (FAPRA)

Tan Sri William Cheng, FAPRA chairman (left), Mr Bernard Au Yong, Fitness Concept Group Chief Executive (fourth from left)

Besides being awarded with “Retailer of the Year” title, Malaysia Retailers Association (MRA) has also chosen Fitness Concept to represent Malaysia for the Federation of Asia Pacific Retailers Association (FAPRA) awards under the “Customer Service Excellence” category at the 19th Asia Pacific Retailers Convention and Exhibition (APRCE) which was held from Sept 5 -7 2019 in Chongqing, China. The award was presented by Tan Sri William Cheng, FAPRA chairman to Mr Bernard Au Yong, Fitness Concept Group Chief Executive during the gala dinner/ closing ceremony.

MRA’s citation on selecting Fitness Concept for the award:

“Retail today is about journeying with the customer, and his experience with you. Fitness Concept has embodied this experience in their selling proposition. They sell fitness products and equipment, but they do not just want to sell, they make the Customer their reason for being. “They sell the Customer to the product, and not the product to the Customer”

Fitness Concept is established since 1983 and was certified as Malaysia’s “Largest Fitness Specialist Chain Store” by the Malaysia Book of Records with over 45 stores nationwide. www.fitnessconcept.com.my